Unintentionally, these songs fall under “rock” songs… give me some slack as “rock” isn’t my strongest musical well (the kind you throw coins into). Here we go again! Be sure to check out the list at the bottom of other runner/bloggers that are joining in on the PLAYLIST THURSDAY fun.

Something Old: These will be songs that are at least 5 years old. I know that isn’t too long to be considered old, but music turnover happens quickly.
Something Current: These will be songs that have been released within the past year. I know, but you have to give me some leeway here.
Something to Consider: These will be songs that are not typically heard on the radio and may be by artists you’ve never heard of or considered running to. This is the wild card category, can be old or current.

Something Old

Artist: The Who
Title: Pinball Wizard
Side Note: I don’t know that this song would be as accepted today with the political correctness police. This song won’t get you into a flying sprint to the finish, but it will provide a few minutes down memory lane on a training run. Did anyone see the version they did on Glee? No? Click here.
Quotable: “Ever since I was a young boy, I’ve played the silver ball.”


Something Current

Artist: The Strokes
Title: Under Cover of Darkness
Side Note: Not the BEST Strokes song to run to, but they are one of the few “recent” rock bands that I actually dig. They will be making a repeat appearnace in the future, but we’ll start with their most recent (2011) single.
Quotable: “Get dressed, jump out of bed and do it best. Are you OK?”

Something to Consider

Artist: The White Stripes
Title: Seven Nation Army
Side Note:  I dig me some White Stripes. Like ’em or hate ’em will depend on if this song works for you. If you can catch this one going up a hill, the repetitive drums and guitar in the first minute will carry you up. Once Jack breaks it down after that, he picks it right back up with he and Meg left off. And I love this video… Also, they are not brother and sister, they were married.
Quotable:And I’m talkin’ to myself at night. Because I can’t forget. Back and forth through my mind. Behind a cigarette.”


That’s my list… now check out some other runner-bloggers that join in on the fun (I’ll update as they become available):

@hellomisspotter — Hello Miss Potter: Tuesday Tunes (6/12)

@runcupcake — Running on Cupcakes: All Pop, All The Time (6/7)

@andiebillings — A Little Heart and Sole: Playlist Thursday: Inner Teenybopper (6/7)

@BigSea — Running on Ipsum: Playlist Thursday: Girl Talk  (6/7)

Here is the point where you tell me how much my songs suck, or as they say “rock.”