I have a pretty big announcement scheduled for Wednesday, so today we are going to do a quick recap of the weekend.

And no, we are not pregnant. The first lady runs this house and that’s how she likes it.

I went on my longest run of the year on Saturday and it looked like this:

That portion over the water was an out and back across the Golden Gate Bridge.

That portion over the water was an out and back across the Golden Gate Bridge.

and on my garmin, it looked like this:
I also ran on Sunday. This time on trails.
Much slower pace, but training on the elevation was the goal: 1,207 ft.

Much slower pace, but training on the elevation was the goal: 1,207 ft.

Then it was time to watch the Super Bowl. Did you see all the particpants for the #MilesOfShame Challenge? The complete list is here. There are so many participants, you have to enlarge the image to see them. Wow.
But, the 49ers lost and everyone that picked them has to run 3 miles and post a photo. Down 22 points, it could have been worse.
Here is the cover of the San Francisco Chronicle.

Here is the cover of the San Francisco Chronicle.

If you were not interested in the games, what did you think of the commercials? Here were my 2 favorites:

Dodge: God made a Farmer

This is the commercial that everyone will remember. It might not make you want to buy a truck and it might not make you want to be a farmer, but the voice and the photography are spot on. This one was memorable.


Taco Bell: Esta Noche

This one I liked because of the song. It’s “We Are Young” by Fun. in Spanish. That song (in English) is a MUST for your playlist. It’s the reason I created “Playlist Thursday.” It could have been sang better, that is my only gripe. But that song makes the commercial and when that old dude puts his nipple against the window… that was funny. Rock on old dude!

Other notables: Dorritos Goat, Samsung with Paul Rudd and Seth Rogan (although a little too long), Best Buy with Amy Poehler, and the Tide commercial with the Montana stain. Shout out to Santana from Glee with the M&M’s.
Don’t forget to check back in Wednesday for the “Big Announcement.”

How was your weekend?
What was your favorite commercial?
