Disclosure: There is an opportunity that I may receive product from Sport Chalet in the future through this relationship, but I have not been compensated monetarily. All opinions are my own.
I’m happy to introduce several new social communities in the brand world recently debuted by Sport Chalet. They relaunched their website last month and are shining a new spotlight on several active communities: FITNESS, CYCLING, SCUBA, OUTDOOR, and of course, RUNNING. The latter, I am pleased to announce that I have been asked to be considered an “Expert” — see some familiar faces here.
“The top experts in the world are ardent students. The day you stop learning, you’re definitely not an expert.”
Brendon Burchard
“An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field.”
Niels Bohr
Don’t worry, they haven’t officially changed the definition of expert, but we might be well on our way. In all seriousness, I’m honored to be asked, but would never consider myself an “expert” in the running world. There are many other runners that are smarter, stronger, faster, healthier and with more experience. As you can see from the two quotes that I grabbed above, I still consider myself in the still-trying-to-figure-things-out phase.
If you take a look at the Sport Chalet website, you’ll see a social feed for each community, as well as a list of experts, events, videos and guides. We’ll all be contributing over time and sharing our individual journeys and experiences. We’ll be using several hashtags so that you can follow along:
Win an Adventure-of-a-Lifetime
They have also set up a major sweepstakes that includes opportunities to win an Ultimate Crossfit Experience, ASICS VIP package, a trip to New Zealand — hike, dive, cycle, or ski. It’s pretty major and what I love about it is that there is something for everyone that wants to lead an active lifestyle. Whether it’s indoors, outdoors, under water, or all three — there is something for everyone
Gift Card Giveaway
And of course, with relationships built, I’m always looking for ways to give back to the community. I’ve been fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to receive product from Sport Chalet in the future, but RIGHT NOW I have the opportunity to GIVE SOMETHING TO YOU! Two winners will be chosen to receive a Sport Chalet gift card on September 17. Enter below for your chance to win.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good Luck!
If you were an “expert” of one thing, what would it be?
If I were an expert of one thing I guess it would be owning too many running shoes. Wait, is that actually a thing?
If I were an expert, it would be on gadgets.
I would be an expert in lifelong adventure and learning! :-)
As a student Nurse Practitioner, I would love to be an expert in the field because right now I feel like I know NOTHING. :)
If I were an expert of anything, it would be of pollo asado nachos. I could direct you to all of the best places in San Diego!
My field of expertise would be gingers, because, I am on, and I don’t think many people would choose that.
I would be the expert of second chances!
Not entering your giveaway but I love how I make random ‘appearances’ on your site ;) In all seriousness, happy to be teamed up with you again. Hope to see you again soon!
Definitely be an expert on sarcasm ;)
I am an expert on diaper changing! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
Expert with my money!
I would be an expert on life! Seems like everything else would have to come easy if you were an expert on life!
I’m an expert diaper changer (and fast)!
Oddly enough, spelling :)
I like this question. I would be an expert in running fashion. I love pretty bright colors. Ha ha
I would sure be a expert in humor. Laughing is the best medicine.
Expert in dealing life :P
If I were an expert in one subject… it would be multitasking. ;) Now… I am not saying that what I do during those multi tasks or if I do them well… but I excel at multitasking. LOL (parenting, cleaning, teaching, planning, cooking, etc)
OOOO SNAP! Sport Chalet clearly knows I want to got to NZ this December, which is why they set up this sweepstakes ;)
I’d be an expert in napping. I’ve gotten taking naps down to a science!
Hmmm….I am an expert at procrastination! Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow!
As a stay at home mom, I would say I’m an expert at wiping runny noses.
After 20+ years in the United States Navy I am an expert at leading and mentoring young Sailors.
I would love to be a “raising a teenager” expert. IT’d help me get through the next few years :).
Eh, I’d be an expert on changing majors in college because I did it a lot.
I would have to say that I am the resident expert on shopping. Especially right now. I don’t always find the cheapest deal, but I definitely have the most fun shopping and get some great kickbacks.
I am an expert at procrastination.
I’d be an expert on playing with trains and Legos.
I’m an expert on procrastinating and entering giveaways instead of getting work done :)
I’d love to be an expert in my field (social work). I’d also really like to be an expert rock climber
medical stuff
I would love to be an expert in health and nutrition.
I’m an expert hard boiled egg maker!
I would say an expert in preparing healthy meals for my family
Beer. I’d be an expert in beer.
An expert on oldies music
I’m an expert toddler-teeth-brusher. And a pretty good Elsa-hair-doer for said toddler.
I’m an expert at crawling out of bed in the wee hours of the morning to run.
I’m an expert in saved by the bell trivia
Reading my 5-year-old’s mood from 100 yards away
I am an expert at playing poker.
I am an expert at sleep!
I’m an expert on making salads. I make the best salads, adding ingredients you wouldn’t normally think of and people love them. They never want to try them but always love them when they do,
I am an expert on eating large quantity of food after a run.
At ONE thing? Um… Wasting time on the interwebs!? Haha
I’m an expert dog-belly-rubber
I would like to be an expert in fantasy sports. It’s pretty much my dream job, but a very niche thing and not many opportunities.
I’d love to be an expert in MAKING PEOPLE SMILE and FEEL LOVED!
I would be an expert at soccer. So i could be a pro soccer player :)
finding stuff on the internet!!!
I’d be an expert runner
I’d be an expert in how to relate and teach teenagers since it’s what I do but sometimes I feel like I’m only treading water.
Futons. I work at a futon store and know everything about them.
I think I might be an expert in procrastination. :)
I’d be an expert on organization!
I’m an expert multi-tasker, always doing more than one thing at a time!
I’d be a strawberry expert! :)
I would be an expert cookie maker!
I’m an expert at finding excuses when I don’t want to work out. ;-)
I would be a garden expert.
An expert at eating healthy
I was told by many that I was an expert on human trafficking before I left academia
This is really specific – but I think I am an expert at communicating with people about pets. Whether they’re having trouble with their own, bereaved over a loss, looking to add a pet, or just have questions, I may not be the expert on the question at hand itself but I always know how to communicate on the very emotional and sometimes very tough topic of how we as Americans relate to pets in our society.
I am working on being an expert of nutrition. Getting schooled at the U of U :)
I’ve always wished I could play the piano!