What’s the saying? When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. That sounds right. Well, that’s kind of how I felt about the San Francisco Marathon weekend. In case you missed it, I was supposed to be running the SF Marathon Ultra, where you run the course from finish to start, then again from start to finish. But do to a string of injuries, it was in my best interest NOT to run and DNS (did not start) the race entirely. I successfully maneuvered through the 5 stages of not being able to run, and decided to participate in the weekend in a different way. To make things fun, here are 52.4 reasons I’m Glad I showed up for the weekend – one for each mile I should have run.

At the Expo

  1. It’s always fun to see the excitement of the runners at the expo.
  2. It’s always fun to see the nervousness of the runners at the expo.
  3. FREE Samples 
  4. Working at the PRO Compression booth
  5. Hanging out with Suzanne. If you have been to a PRO Booth, chances are Suzanne has helped you. She is amazing and one of the kindest people you could ever meet.
  6. Picking up my latest socks. Not gonna lie, I have a lot, so when I’m able to grab some in person, it’s gonna happen.
  7. Random stories. One runner told me that when she sleeps in her PRO socks, she has never slept so “deeply.” An added benefit I guess.

  1. Seeing people’s reactions when they see a “new” sock.
  2. Seeing familiar faces and wishing them luck on race day.
  3. Giving first-time runners some advice on what to expect.
  4. Taking photos with insta-friends



#WeRunSoicial Meetup

  1. Watching the people slowly gather.
  2. Hearing people say “I follow you on Instagram to one another.”
  3. The snacks! Thank you to @smashlybink for bringing Kara’s Cupcakes

  1. The nervousness I feel when I know I have to say something to the crowd.
  2. How after so many of these photos, I’ve become better at lining people up for the photo. 
  3. How I always have to take at least one photo that I know is social-ready, then handing the phone off to someone else and jumping in.
  4. Giving out a bunch of #werunsocial buffs – their debut.
  5. Seeing something that we created as a community, happen and how it brings friends and strangers together.



The unexpected love from the community

  1. Running friends got together and gifted me (and wifey) a couple’s massage. 
  2. It was unexpected, and meant a lot that people came together and brought a fellow runner a smile.
  3. Because you all got jokes now (see card above).



Cheering on Race Day

  1. Not sleeping in? I might as well have run this thing with a 3:30am wake up call.
  2. Getting across the Bay Bridge in minutes because it’s so darn early.
  3. Knowing exactly where FREE parking is in the city.
  4. Buying the beach/road wagon last year and using it to carry “cheering” supplies
  5. Having friends that bring Dunkin Doughnuts.
  6. Getting everything set up before the first runners come through.
  7. When your PVC pipe invention works and the flag flies high.

Here come the Runners

  1. Seeing the lead runners come through.
  2. Seeing their faces when you say “we’ve got doughnuts.”
  3. Understanding that they probably are not going to stop for one.
  4. Getting the nod and smile from runners as they pass by.
  5. Knowing that it’s going to be a cold morning and glad that I grabbed coffee on the way in.
  6. Getting the nod from runners acknowledging that your presence is appreciated.
  7. Getting the “thank you” from runners
  8. Seeing familiar faces come through.
  9. Having them stop and hang out for a bit.
  10. Wishing them luck knowing they have quite the journey in front of them.
  11. Wanting to be out there with them, but feeling good you were able to see them.



The Party Continues

  1. Yelling out we have doughnuts.
  2. When people stop because they totally want one.
  3. Throwing a doughnut to someone who wants one, but doesn’t want to stop.
  4. Having a 67% pass completion rate (2/3)
  5. When the right song comes.
  6. Saying things like WHAM! (emphasizing on the exclamation point) during “Wake Me Up Before you Go-Go”
  7. When you just need to play that song again.
  8. Being with friends – huge thanks to Francis for being out there with me. It made all the difference in having amazing company.
  9. For that moment when he said “now think of how stupid you would have looked being out here alone” and knowing exactly what he meant and laughing hysterically.
  10. For being able to cheer on EVERY single runner from the first person to the sweeper car.

The Realization

  1. Knowing that I made the right choice.
  2. Knowing that I want to be out there running in 2018.

The Motivation

.4 Knowing that I will want to run more than 26.2.



What’s coming up next?

I have been running some miles and slowly building up on distance to get ready for SeaWheeze. It’s next weekend in Vancouver and I’ll be up there doing all the crazy with friends. 

  • The socks: a bunch of os are running in the PRO Jailbreaks (and had some shirts made)
  • The meetup: Saturday at the Sunset Festival. Everyone is welcome. BE THERE.
  • The giveaway: The crew teamed up with Momentum Jewelry to give away THESE to the first people to show up the meetup. Be on time is key.
  • The shopping: I mean… it’s going to be CRAZY. Heading up with 3 SeaWheeze prints already.

Keep Running Strong.