Waking up early in the morning for a 6:30 a.m. start for a race is never something anyone really enjoys… not even the runners. I think we have just become accustomed to being a little crazy. We hardly go to bed early and if we do, we might just lay there with race day excitement or nerves. This time, I would be on the cheering side of the equation. My sister was in town for the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco and she was running the Half. Being familiar with the city, I was tasked with helping out with expo and race day logistics and helping to cheer.

We rolled out at 5 a.m. for a drive into the city, my family and hers, all piled into the car and made our way in. We dropped her off at the start, she was in the 7 am corral, but we had her at the start at 6. We then decided to make our way to mile 5 and stopped off for breakfast and warmth at a Starbucks near the Palace of Fine Arts. On an overcast and cold morning and having a 2-year-old with us, we took advantage of keeping her out of the cold as long as possible. This meant we missed most of the sub-2 runners for the half (and comparable marathoners).

But when we got there, we cheered and spotted many familiar faces. We shouted things like “this way” and made gestures with the foam fingers (not the Miley kind… ok, maybe once or twice). We gave runners “free high fives” and said funny things like “high fives make the hills easier.” I also asked people if they had seen my sister: “runner, long hair, wearing running shoes, carry water, anyone? anyone?” Ya, we had a good time.

Cheering, giving out FREE high fives and pointing runners in the right direction.

Cheering, giving out FREE high fives and pointing runners in the right direction.

With my sis… looking strong.

With my sis… looking strong.

Sorry for not being at mile 3-4 as I thought we would be… mile 5 made a little more sense at the last-minute for ease.

Our goal was then to make it to mile 9-10. Parking was ridiculous down by Golden Gate Park and it took us longer than expected to get situated. Once we did, we realized we may have missed my sister (ahem, Nike tracking not really user-friendly). Her phone had died as we would discover later and our VM and texts were going unanswered. What to do?!?

We decided to cut our losses and make our way closer to the finish line as we knew we could make it there. Sure enough, she came through and we have her final cheers as the finish line was just around the corner.

The finisher's necklace. X to commemorate the 10th year of the race.

The finisher’s necklace. X to commemorate the 10th year of the race.

I was proud of her for running the half and taking on the San Francisco hills. Most of her training being done on a treadmill and really only going as high as a 10k, she ran a strong race. With a Tiffany Necklace in hand and family around her, I think the weekend was a success. Her goal was to finish and she did. Of course, we always want to go a little faster once things are all said and done, but that course is no joke and “from what I hear” it is pretty crowded for a good portion of the course.

Oh ya, I also helped pitch in for some of her fresh kicks and designed a custom shirt that of course her brother is going to hook her up with.



Limited Edition RUN ALL DAY shirt – only 100 will be made with the signature blue. Order here.

Limited Edition RUN ALL DAY shirt – only 100 will be made with the signature blue. Order here.


Nice job sis. You did it and you’ve got the necklace and swag to prove it.




After all the #werunsf tags, tweets and IG shares, do you want to run Nike next year?
