Ever have a song that reminds you of someplace else? How about a song that instantly transports you to a different state of mind? Well, that’s what this week’s theme is all about. Songs that send you someplace. VACATION JAMS!

Something Old: These will be songs that are at least 5 years old. I know that isn’t too long to be considered old, but music turnover happens quickly.
Something Current: These will be songs that have been released within the past year. I know, but you have to give me some leeway here.
Something to Consider: These will be songs that are not typically heard on the radio and may be by artists you’ve never heard of or considered running to. This is the wild card category, can be old or current.

Something Old

Artist: Montell Jordan
Title: This Is How We Do It
Side Note: I’m about to date myself… 1995, graduating 8th grade. This was the song that we all wanted to dance to at the graduation dance. Pretty much the summer jam of 95 and nothing is more “vaction” than a school summer.
Quotable: “It’s Friday night, and I feel all right”

Something Current

Artist: Havana Brown feat. Pitbull
Title: We Run The Night
Side Note: Pitbull and South Beach are synonymous, so this was a must. I have several Pibull songs on my playlist and I know this was featured on RunningAndCupcakes earlier in the month, but it needed to be shared again. C’mon, look at the name of the song.
Quotable: “Run em, like run em, run em”

Something to Consider

Artist: Ligabue
Title: Cosa Vuoi Che Sia
Side Note: I first heard this song in 2006 when I was in Italy. I can’t tell you what it means and I don’t really even care to look it up. I love the sound of his voice and the pace of the song. I have used it in the past on my long run plalist and immediately transfered to my very first marathon in Florence. Crazy how a song can do that.
Quotable: “cosa vuoi che sia. passa tutto quanto”


How’d we do this week?

Do these songs make you want to take a vacation?

