I’m proud to announce that I have teamed up with Tiffany of @RunningHutch to present this challenge to all of you… to RUN THIS YEAR.

That’s right, run 2,013 miles in 2013.

We’re inviting all of you to join in on the challenge. 2,013 sounds like a lot of miles, because it is. But that’s part of the fun, right? You can break it up like this:

2,013 miles:

  • 5.516 miles per day
  • 38.72 miles per week
  • 167.75 miles per month
  • 76.84 marathons per year
  • 671 runs to Starbucks (if your Starbucks is 3 miles away)

There are tons of ways to get started at reaching your goal. Tiffany and I will be hosting monthly challenges and chats to help motivate you and encourage you to RUN THIS YEAR.

Grab the official badge and let everyone know you’ve accepted the challenge:


Here are some ways to stay connected:


Do you have any goals for 2013?

