Have you seen this commercial?

I just saw it for the first time Sunday night and it looks it was added to YouTube this past weekend, so it must be fairly new. I didn’t know it was a Cover Girl commercial until the very end. Actually, that is the part that sort of seemed “off” for me. I was watching it and I was like “Ya! Do your thing.” Go Girls. Be off the wall, rock, be strong, Then Ellen is like make the world a little more [bad cut] easy, breezy, beautiful — I was like HUH?

Watch it again starting at 44 seconds… see how it’s sort of a weird ending? I thought it was going to be for something else other than make up. But either way, I fully support the idea behind it. I never want to think that my daughter will not have an opportunity to do what she loves because she is a girl.

Right now we have her playing in a soccer group for toddlers from 2-3 years old. They run around, kick the ball, play color-matching games with flags, kick the ball through mommy and daddy’s legs… it’s pretty much a way for them to be active and social. The First Lady is one of 2, maybe 3 girls… I don’t really think too much of it, because everyone is just running around playing. But I guess it would be weird if she wasn’t allowed to play BECAUSE she was a girl. I’m not naive and don’t think that she will never face adversity, but I’m happy to be able to give her the opportunity to enjoy something without concern for not being told “she can’t.”

I’m thankful for the strong women that came before her that paved the way for her to play right next to the boys. The strong women that continue to break barriers and be who they are so that my daughter can have the chance to simply go out and play whether it’s for fun or for competition. She might grow up and be an Olympic soccer player or she might not. Either way, I’m thankful that she’ll have the opportunity.


Have you ever been told you “can’t” or felt left out because you are a girl (or a boy)?