The #YearOfRunning13 Post

The #YearOfRunning13 Post

Late to the party, but never one to miss out. I’m joining in on the fun that Miss Zippy created for us running folk, #YearOfRunning13. Let’s take a look at the year through a series of questions. I’m only number 90 on the link up, so there are plenty...
The @RunThisYear 2013 Finale Giveaway

The @RunThisYear 2013 Finale Giveaway

Can you believe that we are talking about the end of 2013? Crazy. Seems like just yesterday I announced that me and Tiffany were teaming up to bring you @RunThisYear with a silly video, a goal to run the year in miles… 2,013 miles that is. How did you do? I know...
What’s Your Motivation?

What’s Your Motivation?

It’s something most runners come across at one point or another during the year. Some may call it a “rut” or a “funk,” but it boils down to our lack of wanting to run (or fill in other: yoga, bike, lift, etc). It can last a couple of...
The 2014 Calendar and a Reunion

The 2014 Calendar and a Reunion

With my 2013 racing schedule officially over since last Sunday, it’s time to look at 2014, right? As many of you know, I tend to stay trained for a marathon distance most of the year. What can I say, I love running and it’s so much easier to run a marathon...
Nor Cal 10-Miler Series

Nor Cal 10-Miler Series

Recently, I’ve been sharing tales of my #SA2LV challenge and the extra bling that came along with it. We runners love to show off our hardware, after-all, we earned it. When a race announces that a “commemorative medal” is being released when...
The Pursuit of the 8:20 Mile

The Pursuit of the 8:20 Mile

  It sounds so simple… just run an 8 minute and 20 second mile, then repeat for the next 25.2 miles and cross the finish line at 3:38:30. That’s the plan in it’s most simplistic form. Run perfect mile after perfect mile and find glory at the finish line....