With a Little Help From My Friends

With a Little Help From My Friends

Fact: I’ve been in a funk pretty much since the end of 2010. I haven’t been running as much as I should be. I’ve been subjecting myself to long runs on the weekend without the build-up milage to support such distances. I know that I need to...
Incredible Photos

Incredible Photos

Incredible photo time! Here are the photos from MarathonFoto of the 2011 Oakland Running Festival. Sorry, these are not in Chronological order… Hulk not now what Chronological means… Before the race! A few seconds later, Hulk attacked by pigeons. Seriously....
You might be a runner if…

You might be a runner if…

You might be a runner if… you’ve ever seen someone running and try to guess how many miles they are running that day. on a super-hot day, you wear a running shirt when you are not running because of it’s moisture-wicking ability. you’ve ever...
26.2 Reasons to be Excited about Seattle

26.2 Reasons to be Excited about Seattle

It’s a Marathon… Who isn’t excited for that? It will be the third state to complete a marathon in… way short of all 50 states, but a start. (Ca, Az, Wa) I’ll be running with my coach and friend, Super Lori Gard is running too! (aka Super...
Relay Supply List

Relay Supply List

What do you bring with you when you decide to be part of a relay team covering almost 200 miles? Let me tell you. Note: This is what I am carrying. This does not include supplies being brought by fellow runners, such as headlamps, food, drinks, etc. Technical Running...