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We rock the hoodie with style and class.

On Sunday, I attended my first LuLuLemon event. It was an celebration of their 3-year anniversary in Walnut Creek and they were hosting a fun run followed by yoga in Civic Park. Some folks from Twitter were also running (can you spot them?) and I thought it would be a great way to meet some of those familier twitter-ers. Some I knew, and some I met for the first time. As we exchanged general mid-run chit chat, my daughter was brought up into the conversation. I freely talk about her in person, but haven’t really spoken written too much on the blog, although she does have her own tab. It got me thinking: why don’t I write about her more?

Can you spot me? (click to enlarge)

Initially I was hesitant with what was going to be posted onto the interwebs. There are plenty of weirdos out there and it has taken me 7 months to really come to grips with it being “okay” for me to get to this point. Not a run goes by where she doesn’t cross my mind and she has helped me want to be a better person and in doing so, helped me become a better runner. Since she has been born I have PR’d every single race I’ve run… and that’s my last 5 if you’re keeping track. She’s my secret weapon.

Whether it was a realization on a run with new friends, a matter of time before I felt comfortable, or running out of new things to blog about, I’d like to share with you my daughter: Maya, The First Lady.

Thank you for taking the time to sneak a peak into my life outside of running. For those of you who I don’t get to chat with in person, I’m glad I was able to share with you the little lady that has stolen my heart.

Thoughts and comments always appreciated.